December 2019 Luncheon

Hello Everyone,

Thought I would send you a note about yesterday’s class of 63 lunch. We had a dozen hardy souls enjoy a couple of hours of socializing and good food. The snowy morning  made getting to the lunch a bit hairy. Of course the weather was a topic and many of us said we have already had enough winter and noted how many snow birds in our class had already headed to warmer climes.

The Pool and Yacht Club was beautifully decorated for the coming Holidays and with the snow falling looked great.

Take a look at the class of 63 web site and one thing we want to bring up to date is the list of the 50 year marriages, so if you are married 50 years or more and not on the list let me know and we will put you on the list.

Our next class lunch is January 9th—so mark your calendar and plan to be there.

Thank you

Best to all of you and Merry Christmas

Tom Troskey

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