May 2021 Class Luncheon

Hello Guys

Beautiful day on the river. 15 of your classmates gathered to social during lunch at the P&Y.

Here are the 15 that were there. Don Danneker, Tom Troskey, John Lentsch, Joe Schufman, Tom Racine, Ed Sund, Joe Brooks, Charlie Evans, George Bonfe, Tom Schleck, Joe M. McGrath, Gary Stoffel, Mike Roach, Dave Tyree.

Some of the things we talked about were the upcoming ONE CDH event scheduled for September 16th where the alumni of all three schools will gather for a fun  evening. This is the first time that Cretin, Derham Hall, and Cretin Derham Hall alums will get together to celebrate. Think of it; where brothers, sisters, fathers, grandfathers, mothers etc will all be able to attend. ———Mark your calendar and more info will be available soon.

Dave Britz reports that he is planning to organize the 8th annual Class of 63 golf outing (The Charlie) on Wednesday august 11th.——– Mark your calendar.

A class of 1962 member, Ron Ryan has stepped forward to make a STEM center at CDH a reality. The ground was broken this past week and it will be completed by the start of the school term in Sept 2021. The new addition will be located southeast of what we called the new building.—–very exciting.

Our classmate Tom Golden’s book Ramblings of a BABY BOOMER wannnabe was made available to those in attendance to read and when all who want to read have finished the book it will be sent to Tom with the personal notes each of the readers made in the back of the book. Don Danneker bought the book and came up with the idea of personal notes to Tom. I have read the book and it is a fun read for those of us raised in St Paul. Thanks Don for doing this.

Just recently classmate Terry Bacigalupo made me aware that one of our other class of 63 members who Terry had not seen since late summer 1963 had moved about 200 yards away from Terry in Granbury Texas. The other classmate is Tom Schwartz and Terry says he and his wife Susan now enjoy socializing with Tom and his wife Sandy.——-what a small world!

I had nothing new to report on the protests at CDH about race and police. When I hear more I will send your way.

Finally on a sobering and sad note. Since the pandemic interrupted life in March of 2020 and with it the regular gatherings of the class of 63 we have lost eight of our classmates. They are Dave Mordorski, Mike Fritz, John Turnbull, Ray Altier, Ed Johnson, Tom Dowdal, Peter Zierden, and Mike McNulty. We had a moment of silence in remembrance of these great guys and to count our blessings.

That’s all for now and mark your calendar for the next regular monthly lunch of the class of 63—-it will be Thursday June 10th.


Tom Troskey

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