July 2021 Class Luncheon

Hello Guys,

Great day today at the Pool and Yacht club for the class of 63 lunch.

A couple of hours of good food and wonderful conversations—solving world problems to wondering how we got old quicker than we figured we would!

So, hear are a few things coming up to put on your calendar.

  • Golf outing  (The Charlie) on Wednesday August 11th—-if you want to play be sure to let Dave Britz know ASAP —-
  • Class of 63 August lunch Thursday August 12th at George Bonfe’s home on Forest Lake   (I think our 6th year there)—– thanks George and more info will be coming as that week approaches
  • The ONE CDH evening for ALL Cretin, Derham Hall and CDH graduates on Thursday September 16th  —— much info to follow soon.

Don’t forget to check the class web site  at   https://cretinclassof1963.org      If you would like to have something put on the class web site let either me or our web master Joe Schufman know.

Thanks and hope you all are well and enjoying the summer.


Tom Troskey

(Click on image to enlarge)

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