October 2021 Class Luncheon and a Bonus Quiz to test your Memories!

Hello Everyone,

Great turnout today for the class of 63 lunch. I think there are a few of the regular attendees who will be heading south very soon so they made sure to be there today. The season is changing pretty quick here and as Jim Dimond and I walked into the place today we both lamented how another layer of clothing is needed.

So enough on the weather. We had a first time attendee today all the way from Nevada, Jon Steele and he looked great. I say that because many of you may recall that just one year ago Jon was critically injured in a bicycle accident. Jon is doing well and we are so glad he was able to join the group today.

Another classmate who is a regular at the lunches but has not been able to join us in recent months was present. Pat McDonnell is on the recovery track after have back surgery 6 months ago and the early stages of his recovery did not go well but it is now going well. Great you are back with the crew Pat!

Some great news on Tom Rubbelke as well, for several years Tom has been dealing with the ravages of cancer, he is now cancer free and classmate Charlie Evans saw Tom recently and said he looks terrific and is anxious to get back to the class lunches very soon. Can’t wait to see you back at the gatherings Tom!

On Oct 25th our classmate Steve Nachtsheim will be receiving the Bishop Joseph Cretin award at the St Paul hotel. This is a very big honor and you can see details on the award presentation on the CDH web site and our class of 63 web site.  https://cretinclassof1963.org         Check out the class web site as I think you’ll see a photo of two of our classmates from 60 years ago………..

The new Stem Center at CDH looks great from the outside and matches the old school brick very well. I am anxious to see the inside. You might recall this was a gift from Ron Ryan of the class of 1962.

Next class of 63 lunch is     NOVEMBER 11TH—- VETERANS DAY   Our class has dozens of Veterans and hope to see many of them next month.

So for now take care

Tom Troskey

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A bonus challenge for all of you – the last picture in the series is of two of our classmates when they played hockey for the Edgecumbe Team circa 1961. Can you name them? Hint – their initials are DB and JD.

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