January 2022 Luncheon

Hello Guys,

Today nine classmates had lunch at the Pool and Yacht club and enjoyed a fine two hours of socializing.

We started off by remembering three of our classmates who passed away recently George Bonfe (11-11-21) Jim Winkel (11-18-21) and Denny Cooney (12-25-21)    MAY THEY REST IN PEACE.

We had sympathy cards that were passed around and signed by all and I dropped them in the mail to the families on my way back home from the P&Y.

Joe M McGrath  told us about his tour of the new Stem center at CDH that was donated by Ron Ryan (62). Joe was favorably impressed with the facility and the students who served as his tour guides. A special thanks to RON RYAN is in order along with many other alumni who support the school.

I spent a few minutes telling the group about a three hour meeting I had on Dec 15th at CDH with Stan Davis the interim director of Diversity. The meeting was brought about by concerns I had with supporting CDH in the aftermath  of the anti-police and racial issue uprising/protests  at CDH last spring.

We passed around a nice newspaper page that detailed the hiring of a new football coach at CDH and also an article on the CDH men’s highly ranked hockey team with a photo featuring a CDH player with a familiar name in our class Kevin Odlaug who is the grandson of our classmate Dave.

John Runyon has a project he is putting  together to honor two members of our class. Details will be made available to all of us in the near future.

You will recall two of our classmates, Charlie Evans and Ted Moudry had heart surgery the same week in December. I have heard from both of them and thankfully their rehab and recoveries are going well. Much to be thankful for!

That’s it guys.

Next lunch is Thursday February 10th.  Mark your calendar.

Tom Troskey

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