Our Class Website now Funded into 2025!

A very heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to help pay for the maintenance costs of  our class website. 

Those who made donations include –

  • Eugene Bovy
  • Dave Britz
  • Joe Brooks
  • John Campion
  • Don Danneker
  • Jim Dimond
  • Tom Golden
  • Tom Hofer
  • John Hughes
  • Jack Lamont
  • David Lieser
  • Joe M McGrath
  • Larry Moser
  • Ted Moudry
  • Stephen Nachtsheim
  • Dave Odlaug
  • Gary Pates
  • Tom Rubbelke
  • John Runyon
  • Jim Schubert
  • Tom Troskey
  • Dave Tyree
  • Tim Valento

Funds are being used to pay for the annual cost of hosting services,  domain registration, and add-on software (security, backup, image management, etc.).  Your generosity means we have covered  our website contract services into 2025!   I am very grateful for your support.

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