October 2022 Luncheon

Hello all,

80 degrees Tuesday and 38 degrees today.  Several of our class who are snow birds are heading south next week. Smart guys!

We had 16 classmates gathered today and I might say a rather jovial and spirited group. Enjoying one another’s company!

Those at lunch today;  Dave Britz, Jim Dimond, Tim Valento, Dave Tyree, Don Danneker, Joe Brooks, Larry Moser, Ed Sund, Ed Kurhajets, Joe Schufman, Tom Schleck, John Runyon, Gary Stoffel, Tom Mega, Tom Troskey, John Lentsch.

Ed K. has lived in the Milw area for many years and has now moved back to the TC and is living in Edina—welcome back ED.

A few of our frequent lunch  attendees (Rick O’Connor, Pat McDonnell, and Frank Villaume) have not been with us for a while and we are hoping they will be back soon.

We spoke for a bit about CDH and the difficult season the football team is having…… here is an interesting item CDH 905 students and about 430 are boys and St Thomas Academy has 470 boys in 9th -12th

John Runyon had a book written in 2020 by a local author Bill Strusinski, a Vietnam vet. Care Under Fire   John recommended it highly. I believe Joe Brooks took it to read.

Next lunch is Thursday November 10thMARK YOUR CALENDERS

Best to all

Tom Troskey

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