November 2022 Luncheon

Hello All,

Walked into the P&Y at 11:30AM and it was 68 degrees and exited at 1:30 it was 49 degrees on its way down to 30. I guess winter is arriving tonight.—JUST SAYING THIS FOR THE CLASSMATE SNOWBIRDS WHO HAVE ALREADY LEFT TOWN.

Had a dozen guys today and very happy to see first time attendee Mike Gaida join the crew, hope you make it regularly Mike! Also happy to see Frank Villaume today, Frank has been recovering from some medical issues for a few months but was able to be with us today, that was great and  hope his recovery continues to progress.

Dave Tyree a regular class of 63 lunch attendee was not with us today. Sadly Dave was attending the funeral for our classmate Trent Niemeyer. I have no further info on the passing of Trent but when it becomes available I will forward. In the meantime please keep Trent in your prayers, may he rest in peace!

Joe Schufman had an idea he wanted to share with the class—-if we do something for our 60th reunion next year, Joe suggested we include a Mass of Remembrance for those in our class who have passed away. Very good idea Joe!

I spoke with CDH’s Rob Bollinger  last week about a few things and he shared with me that the recent CDH Give to the Max day in October resulted in the most money and most donors in the 15 year history of this annual giving program. Great success.

Many of you know our classmate Jack Dale has a son who is an actor. His name is Ian Anthony Dale and a 1996 CDH grad, my daughter is a classmate of Ian’s and called me the other night to inform me that Ian is now a regular on the weekly series THE RESIDENT. In the TC THE RESIDENT is on Fox 9 on Tuesday nights. Take a look!

You know our regular class of 63 lunches are the second Thursday of every month and November is always special because it coincides with Veteran’s day. We have many Veterans in our class. Thank you to all veterans with a special thank you and appreciation to the Vets of the class of 63. The photo attach show the Vets at lunch today. Represented  in the photo are Army, Air Force and Marines and left to right are Joe Schufman, Joe Brooks, Larry Moser, Dick Butler, John Runyon, Tom Schleck.

Best to all and next class of 63 lunch is Thursday DECEMBER 8TH

Tom Troskey

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