Boz Metzdorf Update

Boz at Home

Hello Class of ’63

Many of you will recall a story we did on one of our classmates (Boz Metzdorf) last year detailing a kind of magical twist in the music career of Boz.

Click on this LINK to see the original story we put on the class of 63 web site.

And here is a note I got from Boz last week with an update on what has taken place over the past year—–Remarkable!

Hi Tom,

Just wanted to update you on my music and the unbelievable news that my songs are now over 2 million sales on all the streaming platforms : Spotify, ITunes, Amazon. Apple, Cd baby and more.

Hope you are well, 


We have included a link you can click on that will take you to Spotify where you can listen to some of his music without charge.  The link is

Also here is a google link that will tell you much more about Boz’s music.

Thanks and great work Boz!

Tom Troskey

Joe Schufman

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