February 2024 Luncheon

Hi everyone,

Hope you are doing well.

A photo of the Mississippi out the window today—–no ice or snow and 50 degrees???

A few things to share with you.

You may recall that our class has established two scholarships at CDH to help deserving students.

One scholarship was established in 2003 (on our 40th anniversary) to provide financial aid to families and the other scholarship was established in 2023 (on our 60th anniversary) in honor of two of our classmates, George Bonfe and Mike Ryan and that scholarship is awarded to a deserving CDH student who is physically challenged. Both of these scholarships were awarded this year to students and we hope to have our May class of 63 lunch at CDH where we will be able to meet and visit with these deserving students. More on this later as we firm up the plan.

Many of you know that the mother of our classmate Larry Moser was a long time teacher at Nativity in St Paul and that Mrs. Moser taught many family members of our class.

Larry advised us today that his mom is 100 years old—-but not doing well. So please keep the Moser’s in your prayers.

Jim Hannegan from the class of 65 always keeps us up to date on veterans affairs around Minnesota—-Many thanks Jim.

Jim advises that the Annual Viet Nam Veterans Day gathering in Forest lake is on March 24th. Guest speaker this year is Wilbur Latham, a decorated Air Force fighter pilot. Check our web site (Events) where Joe S has got the details posted.

That is about it for today

Next class of 63 lunch is Thursday March 14th—-mark your calendar.

Best to all

Click on photo to enlarge

Tom Troskey

About the author

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