Hello guys,
Cloudy, rainy day in St Paul but many of the hardy class of 63 members got together for lunch today at the Pool and Yacht Club.
Last week classmate Don Danneker had an idea that we did some follow up on today. Many of you recall and have read the book our classmates Tom Golden wrote this past year RAMBLINGS of a BABY BOOMER wannabe.
Don gave me his copy of the book and asked if those that have read Tom’s book would put a note in the blank back pages of the book and when all who have done that Don would send the book to the author Tom Golden.
So some of that was done at lunch and any of you who want to read Tom’s book let us know because we have several copies we can lend out. I have read it and truly enjoyed it. Thanks Don for a great idea.
Dave Britz confirmed the date for the 7th annual class of 63 golf outing THE CHARLIE——-Wednesday August 12th
George Bonfe confirmed the date for the 5th annual class of 63 August lunch at his house on Forest Lake——Thursday August 13th.
The next class of 63 lunch is on Thursday April 9th ——-Mark your calendars——
Good health and best to all.
Tom Troskey